Kiln Farm Stock Sale 1876

21st October 1876 – Kiln Farm Goytrey 1876

11/2 miles from Nantyderry 4 miles from Abergavenny

Messrs Waite & Son Have been instructed by Mr John Turner who is leaving the neighbourhood, to SELL by AUCTION on Thursday October 26th 1876 on the premises as above, the whole of his

Farming Stock – Implements, Hay, Straw, Fodder

Household Furniture and effects

Comprising: 9 tons of fodder, 5 tons hay, quantity of wheat, rick of barley straw, quantity of wheat straw, 5 sacks of seed potatoes &c.


Waggon, cart, long, short and G.O. harness, saddle, Ransome’s wheel plough, iron harrows, turnip pulper, turnip scuffler, chaff engine, corn bins, ladder, grindstone, quantity of hurdles, iron boiler, pikes and rakes, beehouse and hive of bees, wash tubs, pigs trough, &c. &c.


1 Mare in foal. Several ewes, and quantity of poultry.

Dairy Utensils:

Cheese Press, 2 churns, tubs, vats, pails, dishes and pans

Household Furniture:

Mahogany and oak tables and chest of drawers, prime feather beds, bolsters and pillows, mattresses, iron and wooden bedsteads, bedding, mahogany 8 day clock, barometer, writing desk, chairs and other sundry useful household requisites too numerous to mention:

Luncheon at 10; sale at 11 sharp;

Clarence Street, Pontypool

19th October 1896


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