Catherine Williams 1632

NLW Ref: LL1632/35

Catherine Williams Goytrey – May

In the name of God Amen the two and twentieth daye of November Anno dni 1630 I Caterin William of the pishe of Goytre and Con of Monmoth & wthin the dioce of Landaffe beinge sicke in bodye but whole and pffect memorye God be praysed doe make and ordayne this my last Will and Testamt in man’r and forme followeinge, that is to saye:

First and principally I doe comend my soule into the hands of Allmightie God my only maker and redeemer hoppeinge assuredely that through the merritts of Jesus Christ my saviour to be made ptaker of lief ev’lastinge and my body to the earth whereof it is made.

Item I give and bequeath xiid towards the Cathedrall Church of Landaffe

Item I give and bequeath xiid for my forgotten tyeths to the pson of Goytre

Item I give and bequeath unto Thomas Probert my grandchild fieftye pounds for and towards the satisfaction of such legacs as came to my hands by force of the last will and Testamt of William John of Bettus Vach wthin the diocs of Landaffe lat deceassed.

Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Gwellian Thomas wief unto Robrt Jenkin three kyne and one hayffer of two yeres ould for and towards the maintenance of Morgan Thomas my son n’rall brother to the said Gwenlian dureinge his lief tyme.

Ite I give and bequeath to my said daughter Gwenlian forty shillings for & towards the maintenance of the said Morgan for terme of his lief.

Item I give alsoe to my said daughter the beed where my sonn Morgan doe ly wth his furniture for terme of his lief towards the maintenance of the said Morgan.

I give and bequeath unto my daughter Jane wief unto Mathew David one cowe coloured blacke wch is in the possession of Watter John Wm of Kemis Comander.

Item I give & bequeath unto Johan Mathew my grandchild one lambe.

Ite I give unto John Mathew my grand child one lambe.

Ite I give and bequeath unto Richard Mathew my grandchild one lambe.

Ite I give & bequeath unto Cyssill Mathew my grandchild one lambe

Item I give & bequeath unto Caterin John daughter unto John ap John one lambe.

Item I give & bequeath unto Alce verch John one yereling lambe.

Item I give & bequeath unto Alce verch William my grandchild one lambe.

Ite I give & bequeath unto Marye the daughter of Wm John my grandchild one lambe.

Ite I give and bequeath unto Thomas Robert my grandchild one lambe

Ite I give & bequeath unto Margaret Robert my grandchild one bull of two yeres old and one lamb.

Item I give and bequeath unto Rees Robert my grandchild one steere of two yeres ould & one lambe.

Itm I give and bequeath unto Harry Robert my grandchild one lambe.

Ite I give and bequeath unto George Robert my grandchild one lambe.

Ite I give and bequeath unto Mathew David foure pounds wth interest thereof wch is due unto me by his Bond or Obligacon of the penaltye of eight pounds, the said obligacon to be redelivered unto the said Mathew David.

Ite I give and bequeath unto my daughter Gwenlian wief unto the fore said Robert Jenkin all my goods chattels cattels & houshould stuffe and implements thereof it unbequeathed.

Item I doe nominat and appoint Thomas Robert my grandchild to be my sole executor of this my last will and Testamt and doe by this my Will and testamt appoint William Jenkins and George William to be ov’seers of this my last will & testamt. In wittnes whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale heaven the daye and yere above written.

Signum Caterin Wm

Sealled and delivered in the psence of:


Wm (X) Howell;

signum Thomas (X) James;

signum Wm (X) Jenkins; George Williams


(Latin) Proved at Christchurch? 31? May 1632 by Robt Jenkins … … … …. Herbert Jones, Surrogate


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