Goytrey Poorhouse 1771-1854


    Entries are from Goytre parish church records. The poorhouse was in Penpellenni. From 1836 the poor of the parish were sent to Panteg workhouse.  
Jones James a pauper 1771
Lewis Mary widow a pauper 1776
Frederick Mary the widow of Isacc Frederick a pauper 1778
Brooke Anne a pauper 1779
Morgan John a pauper 1779
Widow Elizabeth a pauper 1779
Jenkins Mary widow of Walter Jenkins yeoman a pauper 1780
Morgan Mary a pauper 1781
    Thomas Gilbert’s Act — For the Better Relief and Employment of the Poor unions of parishes could set up a common workhouse although this was to be for the benefit only of the old, the sick and infirm, and orphan children 1782
Jenkins Elizabeth alias Gwylym a pauper 1783
Jones Catherine a pauper 1786
James Ann a pauper 1790
Philips blank a pauper 1790
Williams John s/o Richard Williams a pauper 1790
Prosser Walter a pauper 1791
blank Ann a pauper 1791
Pound ?? Ann a pauper 1792
Philip Watkin Richard a pauper 1792
Samson William a pauper 1792
Thomas Elizabeth a pauper 1793
    Sir William Young introduced An Act to Amend so much of an Act… as prevents the distributing occasional relief to poor persons in their own houses, under certain circumstances and in certain cases. (36 Geo. III c.23). 1795
    Repealed some of the provisions of Knatchbull’s Act & gave greater powers to local magistrates to order outdoor relief. Not universally popular measure and may have encouraged some parishes to form Gilbert’s Unions which were exempt from such measures.  
    Paid to the workhouse £9.4.0 (overseers accounts restart) 1800
    Paid to the workhouse £8.0.0 Straw for the workhouse 2/- 1801
    Allowed Walter Griffiths (he was overseer of the poor for that year) for the workhouse 14/- 1802
    workhouse not mentioned 1803
    straw for the workhouse 4/- 1804
    Thomas David’s overseer for 1805 – account missing 1805
Lewis Henry in the workhouse £6.10.0 shirt & trousers 8/11 1806
    missing 1807
Kittys Nest decision to build a house for Catherine Jenkins on a plot of land belonging to the parish at the expense of the parish 1808
Lewis Henry in the workhouse £6.10.0 jacket & trousers 13/- 1808
Evan Rcd Morgan in the workhouse £3.18.0 a shirt 5/- breeches 9/- 1808
Morgan William in the workhouse 27 weeks @ 1/6 removing to the workhouse 2/6 1808
    for mending the workhouse windows 7/6 1808
Williams George Pauper 1808
Lewis Margaret Pauper 1808
Lewis Henry   1809
Williams Mary   1809
Evan Richard Morgan   1809
Morgan William   1809
    additional rent for the workhouse for half a year 7/6 1809
    Straw for the workhouse 8/- 1809
Jane Higgins 27 Dec parishioners of Clytha indemnify Goytre against expense of child about to be born in workhouse 1811
Leek Charles Pauper 1812
Jenkins Catherine Pauper 1812
    Candia Morgan @ 1/6 week £3.18.0 1813
Morgan Candia 42 weeks @ 1/6 £3.3.0 Funeral £1.1.0 not buried Goytre 1814
Lewis Henry £8.4.5 1814
Evan Rcd Morgan 46 weeks & Funeral £5.0.10 1814
    straw for the workhouse 10/- 1814
Evans Richard Work House aged 61 1814
Saunders Samuel Work House aged 40 1814
Peter Edward Work House aged 32 1814
Jones Daniel with his sister £7.18.7 Irish cloth 1815
    On account of enlarging the cottage called Cathy’s Nest £7.1.8 1815
    enlarging Cathy’s nest above the estimate 1815
    Straw & coal £1.6.6 1815
    Corn Law prohibited the importation of corn into Britain until the home price reached 80 shillings per quarter. The cost of a four pound loaf of bread in London averaged over one shilling between 1816 and 1818. See 1846 1815
    The result was that ordinary workers could not afford to buy bacon eggs, cheese, milk etc. as well as bread at these times. Rise in relief 1815
    Poor Law Act extended the power to give outdoor relief. 1815
Lewis Henry £6.14.3 1816
Jones Daniel £7.8.7 1816
Jones David Journey to the doctor and to Pontypool to bring him to the workhouse in a cart £5.0.4 1816
    straw for the workhouse 10/- bed cord 2/6 and coal 7/- 1816
Lewis Henry in the workhouse £6.10.0 shirts trousers £7.9 1817
Prichard Elizabeth workhouse, clothing & shoes £7.17.6 1817
    straw 3/- coal 8/- mending the windows 2/8 1817
    Ann Nicholas with William Jones 37 weeks @ 2/6 and William Rosser 15 weeks 2/3 1818
    John Prosser with Mary Francis £7.2.6 1818
Lewis Henry in the workhouse £6.10.0 shirt, shoes, jacket, breeches £7.4.0 1818
Prichard Elizabeth in workhouse and lodging £6.10 stockings 1/2 £6.11.2 1818
Yorath Mary 37 weeks @ 3/- £5.11.0 1818
Watkins Margaret workhouse 32 weeks 4/- £6.8.0 1818
    Ann Nicholas with William Rosser 52 @ 2/- Clothing 7/2 £5.11.0 1819
Francis Mary John Prosser with Mary Francis 48 weeks @ 2/6 4 @ 2/- £6.8.0 1819
Lewis Henry workhouse 2/6 week smock frock 4/- 2 pairs of breeches 9/6 £7.3.6 1819
Prichard Eliz in workhouse 26 weeks @ 2/6 26 weeks @ 2/- shoes 5/- handkerchief 1/3 caps 1/6smock 3/- mending her bedgown 2/3 £6.9.9 1819
Watkins Margaret in workhouse 12 weeks @ 4/-smock 3/- coffin 17/- shroud, laying her out 5/- Parson 1/6 clerk 2/6 Beer 5/- My journey for the shroud 2/6 £4.13.6 1819
Watkins Margaret Poor House 90 1819
    Jenkin Rosser a premium with David Nicholas £6 1819
    Mary Morgan payment for Daniel Jones £2..2.0 1819
    Straw 8/- coal 9/-  
Nicholas Ann William Rosser with Ann Nicholas 1820
Lewis Harry 2/6 per week , shirt, smock & trousers £7.7.7 1820
Prichard Eliz 2/- per week clothing 10/7 £5.14.7 1820
    straw and coal 16/5 1820
Lewis Harry   1821
Prichard Eliz Jenkin Rosser house rent 1821
James Margaret   1821
Jones Christopher   1821
    straw and coal 18/ – 1821
    Thomas Jenkins with William Jeremiah 4 weeks and Wm Moses 48 weeks 1822
    John Prosser with Wm Lewis 52 weeks 1822
Lewis Herny £7.7.2 1822
Prichard Eliz £5/8 1822
James Margaret in workhouse 39 weeks @ 2/- Charity 6/- Smock 2/- Stockings 1/8 Coffin 17/- etc £5.16.0 1822
James Margaret Poor House 84 1822
Jones Christopher 9 days 15/- lodging 2/- Charity £2.9 Bed & Bed clothes £1.3.11 £4.19.11 1822
Jones John Tailor and wife in the workhouse 9 weeks @ 4/- Charity 10/- Warrant, Journey to Llandilio 2/6 Bed & Bedclothes £1.2.0 £3.12.6 1822
    straw and coal 18/ – 1822
Lewis Herny £7.1.6 1823
Prichard Eliz £5.7.0 1823
Jones John tailor and wife in the workhouse £9.16.0 28 weeks in 28 weeks out. 1823
    straw and coal 18/ – 1823
Lewis Herny £7.1.4 1824
Prichard Eliz £5.18.9 1824
Morgan Margaret and son in workhouse warant on John Morgan £4.10.6 1824
Lewis Herny in the workhouse 2/6 Clothing £1.2.7 £7.12.7 1825
Prichard Eliz 2/- clothing 4/6 £5.8.6 1825
    straw, coal and sheeting £1.7.2 1825
Jones Joshua work House in Goytre aged 89 1825
Bevan Elizabeth in Goytre workhouse she and her child will be chargeable to Lanvair Kilgeddin 1825
Phillips Francis work-house aged 82 1826
Lewis Herny 2/6 per week 182?
Prichard Eliz 2/- per week Apron 1/8 Handkerchief 9d Serge 1/3 Calico 6/- Stockings 1/6 mending her clothes 1/-, making her a bedgown, apron and hemming a handkerchief 1/- £5.12.2 182?
Williams Thomas 3 days @ 1/- per day 182?
Williams David Work House aged 75 1827
    coal and straw 20/- 182?
Phillips Mary 51 weeks @ 2/6,  bacon 1/- removing her to the workhouse 2/- shoes 6/- stockings 1/4 Petticoat, smock, apron, caps, handkerchief £6.17.10 1828
Lewis Herny in the workhouse 2/6 blanket & jacket, trousers, one shirt pair of stockings £6.10.0 1828
Prichard Eliz in workshouse 2/6 smock, handkerchief, caps, stockings £5.4.0 1828
    Change of clothing for the workhouse paupers £2.11.2 1828
Morgan John wife and child in the workhouse 33 weeks 3 days @ 5/2 = £8.13.0 rest of family with Philip Vallant 1828
Lewis Henry in the workhouse 2/6 week £6.10 shirt 3/6 total £6.13.6 1829
Prichard Eliz 2/- a week £5.4.0 1829
Phillips Mary in workhouse 2 weeks 2/6 week. Coffin 17/- shroud 6/6 laying out 2/6 drink funeral 5/- journey for shroud 2/6, Parson 1/6, Sexton 2/6 =  £2.2.6 1829
    Straw for the workhouse coals 0.18.0 1829
Lewis Henry in the workhouse 26 weeks @ 2/6 £3.5.0, a shirt 2/9, Trousers 6/7 1830
Lewis Henry in the workhouse 2/6 £3.5.0 1830
Prichard Mary 24 weeks @ 2/- £2.8.0. Coffin 17/-, shroud 3/8, laying out 2/6, Parson 1/6, Sexton 2/6, Beer 5/- ,journey for the shroud 2/6, new suit of clothes 10/6 = £4.19.2 1830
Pritchard Elizabeth Workhouse aged 63 1831
    Valuation of Goytrey taken by ? Davis of Usk in March & April 1831
Lewis Henry £3.5.0 Coal & Straw 17/- 1831
Lewis Henry in the workhouse 2/6 week £6.10 shirt etc total £6.17.11 1831
Williams Thomas workhouse 36 weeks,  flour, leather, shoproom and lodgings summons 2/-  = £6.10.4 1831
Davies John 1 week in workhouse wife 2 weeks paid 7/- to go away £0.17.6 1831
Prosser James paid interest on £20 1831
    paid 16/- for coal and straw for the workhouse 1831
Harris John agreed to pay John Harris 1/6 a week for the maintenance of Margaret Morgan (Margarets father Francis died 1827 poss Wern Verrig) 1832
    Paid Phillip Vallants salary £2.0.0 Churchwardens accounts 1832
Lewis Henry Henry Lewis 52 weeks @ 2/6 wk =  £6.10.  7 yds blanketing for smock & trousers total £7.4.2 1832
Jones William 52 weeks 2/- relief shirt £5.11.3 1832
Edwards Thos 32 weeks £4.6.10 1832
Vallant Walter 8 weeks in workhouse etc.  £3.6.0 1832
    Margaret Morgan 2 weeks at 3/- John Harris & witnesses going to Usk to consult with Mr McDonnnell respecting her new inn expenses. Warrant constables witnesses £0.15.0 1832
Lewis William William Lewis Poor House Penpelleni aged 75 1833
    Henry Lewis £7.15.9 William Jones £5.15.9 Walter Vallant £5.6.0 in the workhouse 1834
    Elizabeth Plaisted aged 85 died at Goytre Workhouse buried Llanover 1835
    Ann Morgan 82 died workhouse buried Goytre 1835
    Henry Leiws £6.10.0, William Jones £5.5.3 and Walter Vallant £6.11.0 1835
    Henry Lewis, William Jones and Walter Vallant in the workhouse as usual 1835
    Thomas Barram aged 67 died workhouse Goytre 1835
    agreed by the overseer to allow all necessary clothes for the parish beds in the workhouse. 1835
    Richard Jones takes a cottage called Catty’s Nest at a rent of £2 paid quarterly 1835
Kittys Nest Repairs done to Cathy’s nest, thatcher, straw £1.4.3 1836
Morgan Margaret paid 52 wks at 2/- a week = £6.4.0.  Henry Lewis, £7.18.11, William Jones £5.17.5, Walter Vallant £6 1836
    First entry of Board of Guardians Pntypool Chas Thomas Edwards clerk £75 1836
    resolved unanimously that the weekly meting of the guardians be held alterantively on Saturdays and Thursday in vestry room Pontypool 1836
    resolved that the several parishes in the union shall be divided into 3 districts and that they will have relieving officers (Goytre in Llangibby district) 1836
    write a report on necessity for erecting a poor house etc 1836
    resolved that all relief hereafter be regarded as given weekly. 1836
    That the clerk be directed to write to the overseers of the Union stating that from and after the first day of July next all relief will be discontinued unless due course for its continuance be shown. 1836
    That each non resident pauper do send a cerificate accompanying each application for relief signed by the clergyman or two respectable householders of same parish stating her or him to be a fit object for such relief. 1836
    such certificate to be renewed every two months . That each non resident pauper be directed to name a person residing in his parish to teceive his or her relief. 1836
    resolved that the parish of Goytrey be added to the Usk district for surgeons Mr Davies Medical officer for Usk 1836
    Clerk to advertise for bread and flour to be supplied by tender 1836
    Warrants issued to the overseers for payment to the clerk one twelth part of the rates of the respective parishes on or before the 23rd 1836
    General poor house imperitively called for and donation of land by Capel Leigh for building. Goytrey added to Usk District of reliving officer 1836
    Directed to apply for the specification of the erection of the Poor House according to the plans contained in the report of the Poor Law Commissioners. 1836
    Resolved that Goytrey be added to the Usk Division of Receiving Officers 1836
    Reslove that the clerk cause 200 letters with a requisite certificate be printed and forwarded to the several outpaupers 1836
    Upon inquiry it appears inexpedient to contract for either bread or flour at the prices contained in the several tenders. 1836
    At a meeting held the 9th day of June it was agreed by the major part of the parishioners to present a petition ot the Board of Guardians of the Pontypool Uion that they wish to withdraw from said Union … 1836
    Several parished including Goytrey settled as to weekly pay 1836
    Many parishes paid their contributions. Resolved that the clerk apply to the overseers apply to the parishes Tev, Usk Glas Gwerl Upp Llanfrech & Goytrey for the immediate payment to the treasurer for their contribution. 1836
    Resolved that the time for the outpaupers being struck off unless proper certificates be sent in is extended to the first day of August. 1836
    Resolved that until a genral workhouse for the union be ready for the reception of Paupers that such house or houses be prepared for the reception of children and such other paupers as may from time to time be deemed necessary. 1836
    Margaret Morgan 14 @ 2/- £1.8. Henry Lewis to Jun 1, £1.12.6.  Wm Jones £1.6.  Walter Vallant £1.6.  A thrave of straw, additional allowance for the workhouse £0.17.6 1836
    agreed to present a petition to the Booard of Guardians that Mr Bowyer be instituted relieving officer instead of James Blythe 1836
    Resolved that poor house should be erected to hold 150 paupers and easily enlarged to 200. Plans to be prepared. 1836
    Francis Morgan buried Goytre died Goytre Workhouse 1836
    A letter having been addressed to the Board of Guardians from Mr John Lawrence of the overseers of Usk dated 15th instant referring to some private arrangements 1836
    By which he accounts for the non payment of the account named in the warrant directed to the Overseers of the Parish.  
    It is resolved that the clerk write to inform him that the distrct cannot recognise any private arrangement between the overseers. 1836
    and that he had been instructed to take any necessary steps to enforce payment unless the same be made before Thursday next. Resolved that the same will be adopted towards all other parished in default. 1836
Arnold John 62 Monkswood,  wife and two children 11 & 9 to received temporary relief 1836
    Application from the keeper of the Goytrey workhouse for 50/- quarters bill for maintenance of poor – to be considered at next meeting. 1836
    Building report accepted site still to be approved 1836
    weekly meeting now held on Thursdays. An order from Mr J H Poole for 6 double bedsteads 6′ x 3’6″ at 17/6 each and also that he order the necessary articles of straw mattresses & bedclothes fitting the same 1836
Arnold John Monkswood applied for relief – ordered that the relieving officer take possession of his machinery and that he be allowed 2/6 weekly 1836
Jeremiah Ann Goytrey to be allowed 2/- instead of 1/3 weekly 1836
Lewis Rachel Goytrey 25 applied for relief – she is very ill having been confined 5 weeks of a bastard child – to be allowed 1/6. Ordered that the clerk apply to George Appleton Garndiffaith, miner, who is the reputed father of the child 1836
Holmes Rachel Removed from Bettws Newydd to Goytrey to be allowed out relief not exceeding 2/- a week 1836
    Resolved that the clerk write to Mr Poole for six iron bedsteads which are not to be painted – the same are to be forwarded by Manchester boat to Newport and thence by canal to Pontypool. 1836
Daniel Ann the woman who keeps the Panteg Poor House at 9/- a quarter from 5 parishes 1836
    Resolved that the several parishes of Panteg Llanfrechfa upper & lower Glascoed and Llanvihangel Pontymoil be directed immediately to disolve any contract may exist between them and (blank) Daniel in consequence of the conduct of Ann Daniel matron thereof 1836
James Rachel resided at Pontypool an outpauper from Goytrey to be continued 1/- weekly 1836
    Mr Bowyer is directed to apply to Elizabeth Morgan Llanvfechva Lower to offer her the situation of matron to the Panteg Workhouse. 1836
    Mr Bowyer having inquired into the fitness of Elizabeth Morgan to Supintend the Panteg workhouse reports that her heart is not sufficiently good for such a situation. 1836
    Resolved that warrants be issued to the overseers for the payment to the treasurer of the twelth part of the rates of the respective parishes on or before the 26th instant. 1836
Gwillim Richard Monkswood – an outpauper at Goytrey having applied to Mr Bowyer for further relief to be allowed 6d weekily in advance 1836
Prosser Philip Mamhilad a shoemaker aged 58 years – has a wife – outpauper at Goytrey to be allowed 1/- weekly 1836
    Resolved that a return be made at the next meeting by the respective relieving officers of the several workhouses in each of their districts and the amount of rent paid for these houses 1836
    Resolved that Mr Bowyer be directed to take possession of the Panteg workhouse and manage the same until further arrangements be made. 1836
Appleton George Varteg, the reputed father of a bastard child of the body of Rachel Lewis – Goytrey -The relieving officer is directed to obtain a warrant against him to an order at the next sessions 1836
    The clerk is ordered to get the bedsteads painted black and forward them to the workhouse 1836
    The relieving officers not having had sufficient time to make a return of the several workhouses in each of their districts and the amount of rent paid for such houses resolved that they be directed to do so on Saturday 27th instant 1836
Phillips Ann 89 to be paid 2/6 weekly as long as a certain arrangement may exist between her son and the parish of Goytrey for the occupation of a house and land in the said parish be which he will bind himself to pay them £5 yearly 1836
Lewis Rachel Goytrey – has a bastard child. She states that George Appleton is the father – he told her his name was George Morgan but she was living with her mother – resolved that she be allowed 1/6 a week as usual. 1836
Francis Susan Goytrey she now lived with Mr Williams Tenewidd at £4.10.0 a year. She has a bastard child. It is proposed to pay 6d weekly and whe to provide child with clothes. The child to be allowed 2/- weekly 1836
    Resolved that Mr Edward Bowyer is appointed govenor of the Panteg workhouse at an additional salary of £20 a year to commence from the term of his taking the management 1836
    It appearing by the treasurers account that the following parishes have paid their contributions on the 26th August last (Goytre paid £13.10.0)  
    Resolved that the several Overseers of the Poor of each Parish will be directed to apprentice such children that will be chargable to the Parishes respectively as they will attain the proper ages.  
    relieving officers are directed to deliver at the next meeting a list of such persons who are fit objects in the several parishes to be placed in the workhouse or be reduced in their pay.  
    Henry Lewis, Wm Jones and Walter Vallant, Quarterly allowance to the workhouse 12/6  
    Ordered Mary Morgan, William Williams and William Daniel of Llanwenarth now at Goytrey be sent to Bedwelty House. 1836
    Ordered that the medical officer be requested to furnish James Cobner Llanarth with a double truss. 1836
    Ordered that William Jones in Goytrey Workhouse and belonging to Llanvair be removed to Abergavenny House. 1836
    Poor Law Commissioners to sanction Mr Bowyer as Governor of Panteg temporary poor House  
    resolved that notice be given by handbills requiring tenders for supplying the several workhouses in the union as well as the poor in the different parishes  
    with bread and the necessaries and that such tenders be delivered to the clerk on or before the 21st  
    Orders were accordingly signed directing the parish officers of the several parishes to pay the following sums namely Goytre £13.10.0  
Prosser Philip Mamhilad – living at Goytre, his pay to be increased by the rlieving officer until the next meeting  
Prosser Margt widow of Phillip Prosser Mamhilad (60) applied for relief. Allowed 2/-  
Daniel Mary now in the Panteg workhouse applied to be discharged from the workhouse and to have an allowance of weekly pay – her child is 2 years old. Refused but is to be allowed a pair of shoes for the child not exceeding 2/6  
Jenkins Mary daughter fo Charles Jenkins residing at Mamhilad. She has bastard child 5 weeks old. Thomas Stephens of Goytre is the child’s father.  
    Charles Jenkins lived with the late Mr Philip Rees of Usk from whence he was married and resided ever since in Croesynypant at the yearly rental of £4.0.0 his daughter never gained a settlement in her own right.  
    The tender of Charles James Phillips for bread being the lowest resoleved that it be accepted for the workhouse of Pontypool and Panteg until the 21st day.  
    Resolved that the tender of Mr William Herbert for supplying the workhouses with shop goods (bread excepted) and ordered that the contract and reciepts be forthwith entered in  
Thomas Margaret 25, Trevethin her settlement at Goytre – she is confined and has 2 children. The relieving officer is directed inquire if the parish of Goytre will accept her as a pauper.  
    Ordered that the paupers with the Goytrey workhouse be forthwith removed to the Panteg workhouse. 1836
    For a cart removing 3 paupers to the workhouse 1836
    Mr Bowyer is directed to report at the next meeting what clothing will be required for the two workhouses 1836
    Mr Bowyer reports that the folloing clothing is requisite namely for Panteg workhouse 1836
Jones William 83, requires one flannel shirt, one short flannel smock frock, one flannel trousers and one pair of stockings. 1836
Prosser James 79 requires one shirt, one short flannel smock frock 1836
Lewis Henry Goytrey 79, requires the same as William Jones 1836
James Rachel Goytrey residing at pontypool to be allowed 2/- temporary relief. 1836
Thomas Margaret 25 Trevethin it is ordered that proposals be made to the parish of Goytre that the expense of enquiring into the settlement of the pauper should be borne equally between Goytre 1836
    Nov 23rd paid £13.10 to the treasurer of the Union  
    Mr C J Phiilips was paid £7.18.4 for bread supplied to the Panteg workhouse and the Pontypool district 1836
Rowllins Joseph 24, who died with his father at Monkswood. His wife is with her father at Goytrey, he was a farmers servant – applied for medical relief – his childs’ head being bad he gets 5/- a week and his board  
James Rachel To be allowed 1/6 weeking instead of 1/- for the present  
Edwards Elizabeth 85 Goytrey, to be allowed 2/6 weekly instead of 2/-  
Jones Mary (Rydy lloyfen) Goytrey her pay to be stopped she has a property in which she resides  
Morgan William (Little Skirrid) Goytre to appear  
    Mr Bowyer is directed to purchase calico and worsted for the use of the Panteg workhouse  
Morgan William (Little Skirrid) Goytrey, to appear at the next meeting and bring a certificate  
Morgan William Goytrey residing at Llantillio Pertholey – a certificate from the clergyman of the parish and also a letter from a clerk of the Abergavenny Union were read. The Board considers that the present payment of 3/- should not be disturbed  
Jones Mary The fact of her having property not being correct it is ordered that her pay of 1/- weekly be reinstated  
Jenkins Mary Usk, living with her father in Mamhilad has a bastard child, Thomas Stephen – woodcutter of Goytrey is the father. Mary Brooks lives at Mamhilad she knowing Mary Jenkins as well as Thomas Stephens –  
Jenkins Mary she has heard Thomas Stephens say that Mary Jenkins was in the family way by him and that he intends to marry her – 1/6 weekly  
Wilks John Glascoed. A bastard son of Hannah Waters who on the 11th January 1836 was married to John Jenkins at Llanover church. – 1837
Wilks   ordered that the clerk write to Mrs Wilks Goytrey Wharf stating that if the child is not maintained by his friends an application will be made to John Jenkins immediately  
    Cheque on Treasurer a loan to John Morgan £3.1.0 1837
    To the treasurer £32.8.0 1837
    To the treasurer £56.12.11 1838
Jones William Penpellenni 92 1840
Prosser James Goytrey 82 1851
Lewis Henry Goytre 86? yrs (81 from bap) 1854


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