Spencer, Edward – 1933

Friday January 20th1933 – Stationmaster’s Death

Loss to GWR and parish of Goytrey – The Late Mr Edward Spencer

By the passing on Friday of Mr Edward Spencer, stationmaster at Nantyderry, the Great Western Railway Co., has lost a splendid servant and the district generally a respected and highly esteemed resident.

Mr Spencer started his railway career at Pontypool Road Station under Inspector Seabourne and was afterwards transferred to Crumlin for a period.  He was thence promoted to Little Mill where he was stationmaster for 15 years. For the past 20 years he has had charge of Nantyderry Station.

He soon endeared himself to the parishioners and was a regular attendant and sides-man at Goytrey Parish Church.  He was an ardent gardener and was noted locally for his skill with a rod and line. He passed away at St George’s Hospital London at the age of 59.

The funeral on Wednesday was largely attended by his railway colleagues and a host of friends. The cortege assembled at the Station House and after a short service proceeded to Goytrey Church.  Here an impressive service was conducted by the Rev. H C P Belcher M.A., until recently the Rector of Goytrey, assisted by the Rev. Thomas John Richards the present Rector.  The concluding hymn “O God my Father while I Stray” was feelingly sung. Mr G W Merrick was at the organ and rendered “The Dead March” in “Saul” as the cortege left the Church.

The Mourners
The family morners present were: Miss Annie Spencer, [daughter]; Mr Sidney Spencer Stoke Edith [brother]; Messrs Stanley Morgan Goytrey and Edward Thomas Newport [sons in law]; Mr W J Lewis Griffithstown [brother in law]; and George Spencer Griffithstown [nephew];

The bearers were Messrs F. Morgan [Penpergwm], J. Steadman [Abergavenny], C. Harding and Messrs J, Cornish, W. Rouse and — Smith, Nantyderry Station Staff.

Among the general public were Messrs Trevor R Roberts [Divisional Supt], F. Maisy [Divisional Office Staff], E. Rickettes [Control Office Staff], J. Steadman and J. Davies [D.S.O.], District Inspector W. Thornett, Messrs A. Taylor [stationmaster, Caerleon], T. Davies, [stationmaster Panteg], F. Morgan [stationmaster Penpergwm], Ex Chief Inspector Lidster, ex Inspectors T. Bird and J. Pritchard, Mr S J Haycock [Pontypool Rd SOL] representing the Great Western Railway.

Others present were Messrs C. F. Morgan Maesyberyn; E. Morgan and Wyndham Morgan, Goytrey; The Rev. E.S. Symonds; Messrs C. Tedman Jones, Fred Rosser Abergavenny; A. Jeremiah, J. Harding, R. Swinnerton, Abergavenny; J. Wilks, Little Mill; D. H. Morgan, Tom Morgan, Parsonage Farm Kemys; George Jones, W. Harris, L. Lloyd, L. Harris, George Parsons, W. Knipe, F. Knipe, Logans [Llanover], P. Edwards, C.P. Lewis [little Mill]; E.J. Morris, H. Dowell, H. Dowell [junior] D. Knight, W. Jackson, Major I.C. Vincent, Richard Jenkins; J. Player and W. Chambers [Lanvair]; W.T. Spencer and J.D.L. Wagstaffe,[representing the Goytrey Farmers Union]; S. Price, Reg Price and W. Price, [Llanover]; Hector McKay [Lanvair]; John Rees, [late Llanover]; Williams, [New House]; A. Dobbs, –Dobbs, T. Evans, J. Griffin, H.T. Hughes, Mr & Mrs Lesworthy [Little Mill], and others.

The Flowers
Floral tributes were sent by the following: Ma, Annie and Bobby; Stan, Lilian and Betty; Ted and Phil; Mother and Willy; Graham and Robert [grandsons]; Sid and Clara; sister Louie and Annie, Hereford; Emily and Alice, Brighton; Amy, George and Cyril; Kate, Birmingham; Chaldy, London; Mr & Mrs Herbert Lloyd, Griffithstown; Mr & Mrs Harry Mathews, Goytrey; Mr & Mrs G Parsons and family; Capt., & Mrs Lionel Whitehead; Mr & Mrs Marlor; Mr & Mrs C Tedman Jones; Sir Henry & Lady Mather-Jackson; Mr & Mrs John Paton; Mr & Mrs Thomas and family; Mr L Lloyd, Con and Lena, Post Office; Mr & Mrs Morgan, Penpergwm; Staff of Abergavenny GWR Station; All at Lyndhurst; J. Steadman; Staff of traffic and engineering dept., at Nantyderry; Mr & Mrs E.J. Morris, Goytrey; Mr Price, Llanover; Mr F.E. Evans, Little Mill; Mr & Mrs W.A. & D. Jackson; Mr & Mrs O. Court and family; Mr D.M. & L. Knight; Mrs Harris and family, Glanbaiden; Mr & Mrs Jeremiah, Nellie and Billie; Mr & Mrs George Jones and Percy; Cecil and Olive, London; Mr & Mrs R. Jenkins; Mrs Hutchinson; Mr & Mrs Prowle; Members of Chapel Ed, Goytrey; Mr & Mrs Rowland Harvey; C.F. & T.J. Morgan; Mr & Mrs C. Messenger and family; Mr John Harding and family, Nantyderry.


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