Gable Cottage

Gable Cottage – 794 on the 1841 Tithe Map.

Gable Cottage has now been demolished and replaced by two new homes.

This was an Earl of Abergavenny property.

There is a John Morgan, born 1715 mentioned at Gable Cottage holding the lease.

In 1754 and 1755 John Morgan was witness to the marriages of William Jones and John Pritchard.

During the years 1760 to 1763 John Morgan, mason was an overseer of the poor for the parish.

John Morgan died in 1807 aged 92.

The 1821 survey of the Earl of Abergavenny says John Morgan is holding a cottage and garden, I assume John junior holds the lease from his father.

In 1834 John Morgan was paying £2 12s house rent and was fined for selling beer without a license.

John also obtained a loan from Mr Thomas James and James Gwatkin (overseers of the poor) in 1837.

The electoral register in 1840 says he is holding a lease for lives, the tithe of 1841 says he is paying 10d to the rector and leasing field numbers 745, 746 and 747.

On the census of 1841 John Morgan is a 60 year old labourer, Martha, his wife is 65.

John and Martha Morgan are still living at The Gables on the census of 1851, John is now 77 and Martha 80.

Parts of the census of 1861 are missing; this includes part of the village. Again on the census of 1871 I am unable to ascertain who was living at The Gables, but by 1881 the lease is taken by John Hopkins, Amy Jenkins is the occupier.

The occupier had changed by 1891, this was now 45 year old Edward Owen, Edward was a boot maker from Cwm Du, Radnorshire, Harriet his wife was 42, from Pontypool. Edward and Harriet had 8 children, Mary Elizabeth, Louisa, Albert, Annie, David, Josiah, Harriet and Henry.

By 1910 the cottage’s gross value was 6s and the rateable value 4s 10d, the owner is the Marquis of Abergavenny of Eldridge Castle, Sussex, Edward Owen is still renting the Cottage and garden called Gable Cottage.

The census of 1911 says Edward and Harriet along with their son Harry are living at Rose Cottage, which has confused me but I will say they are at Gable with their 24 year old son Harry who is a mason. Edward and Harriet had been married 44 years, had 8 children one of which had died.

Edward is mentioned again on the 1914 poor rate, the owner being the Earl of Abergavenny.

In 1920 the Earl of Abergavenny sold most of his Monmouthshire holdings, Gable Cottage being one of the properties was sold to Edward Owen, the tenant for £150, Edward had been paying a rent of £6 p.a. to the Earl and a tithe of 10d.

In November 1921 Harriet died, aged 74 she is buried in St Peter’s churchyard.

Headstone St. Peters Church



Edward survived her by 9 years, he died in February 1930 aged 85.




The 1939 register says William and Minnie Griffiths are in residence at Gable Cottage, William is a permanent way labourer.


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