John Williams 1672

NLW Ref: LL/1672/35

John Williams Goytrey – Proved 10th September

In the name of God Amen the thyrtenth daye of March in the yeare of our Lord God accordinge to the computacon of the Church of England 1671 I John Williams of the parish of Goytre in the County of Monmoth gent & wthin the diocesse of Ladaff sicke & weake in bodie, but of good & pfect remembrance (laude & prayse be to allmighty God) doe make and ordayne this my last will & Testament in writinge in maner & forme followinge, by these p’sents revoakinge all former testament & testaments will & wills by me heeretofore made by word or by writinge, and this onely to be taken for my last will & testament & non other. Fyrst beinge penitent for all my sins I comend my soule into the handes of allmighty God my maker & redeemer and I trust and beleeve through the mearitts of Jesus Christ my saviour to life againe at the gen’all daye of resurrection of the dead to inherit the Kingdome of Heaven p’pared for the elect in the world to come, and my bodie to be buryed in Christian buriall accordinge to the discretion of my executrix heereafter named.

Item I give towards the repacon of the Cathedrall Church of Landaffe vid. Item I give to the Rector of Goytre for my tith forgotten & unpayed .

Item I give devise & bequeath unto Jane my lovinge wife all my capitall messuage wherein I live wth all barnes buyldings gardens orchardes land or arrable meadow pasture & wooded groundes thereunto belonging & therewth used ocupied & enioyed in a large & ample maner as I doe now hould & enioy the same contayning by estymacone fower score & sixteene acres more or less lying and being wthin the pishes of Goytre & Mamhilad aforesaid in the said County together wth the moyety or one halfe of one water corne grist mill called Melyn Llys Morgan wth all ponds flauckes? floodgates & sluces thereunto belongings scittuatt lying & beinge wthin the pish of Mamhilad in the said Countye & one pcell of land called Kae yr Trow lying in Mamhilad afforesaid & all those five closes or pcells of land arrable medowe & pasture called Gwrlode yr Clearcke & Tonn blechie & one messuage wth the appurtences in the possession of my brother Walter Williams & one cottage wth thapputences in the possession of Thomas Williams all lying & beinge in Mamhilad afforesaid in the said County. Alsoe I give & devise unto ye said Jane my wife all my messuage & lands wth all theyre appurtenances called Coed y Constable lying & beinge in Goytre afforesaid in as lardge & ample maner as I doe now hould & enioy the same wth thappurtences to have & to hould all & singular the said sev’all messuages lands & tenements together wth the moytie of the said watter corne grist mill unto Jane Williams my said wife for & duringe the terme of her naturall life onely towards her joyncture & livlyhood in recompence of her mariage porcon wch I received wth her & towards the accomplish’t of my promise & agreement made & concluded between us before our mariage solempnised. And after the decease of Jane my said wife I give & devise the said capitall messuage wth all the lands arrable meadow & pasture thereunto belonging together wth the moytie of the said mill wth all & singular theyr appurtenances unto my brother Georg Williams & to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten, and for want of such yssue I give & devise the said capitall messuage wth all the said lands thereunto belonging wth thapprut’s together wth the said moytie of the said mill unto my brother David Williams and to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten, and in default of such yssue I give & devise the remaynder of the said capitall messuage landes & p’misses together wth the moytie of the said mill wth theyre appurtenances unto my brother Walter Williams & to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten, and for want of such yssue I give the remaynder of the said capitall messuage & the lands & p’misses thereunto belonging together wth the moytie of the said mill unto my brother Phillipp Williams & to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten. And in default of such yssue the remaynder of the said p’misses unto the right heyres of me the said John Williams forever. Item I give & devise the said pcell of lands called Kae yr tyrow after the decesse of Jane my said wife unto my said brother David Williams for & duringe the terme of his naturall life onely paying one penie of current money yearely duringe his life unto my said brother & heyre George Williams yf it be lawfully demanded. And after his deceasse I give & devise the said pcell of land called Kae yr triow unto my said brother George Williams & the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten. Item I give devise & bequeath the said messuage wherein my brother Walter Williams liveth & three cloces or pcells of meadowe thereunto belonginge wth thappurtences after the decease of Jane my said wife unto my said brother Walter Williams for & duringe the terme of his naturall life onely paying one peny of curre money unto my said brother George Williams yf it be lawfully demanded. And after the decesse of my said brother Walter Williams I give & devise the remaynder of the said messuage & three pcells of meadow wth thappurtencs unto my said brother George Williams & to the hayres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten. Item I give devise & bequeath the moytie or one halfe of my said messuage & lands wth the appurtences after the decease of the said Jane my wife unto my said brother Phillipp Williams for & duringe the terme of his naturall life onely paying one peny of current money yearly unto my said brother George Williams yf yt be lawfully demanded. And after his decease I give & devise the remaynder of the said moytie of the said messuage & landes called Coed y Constable unto my said brother George Williams & the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten forever. Item I give devise & bequeath the other moytie of the said pmisses called Coed y Constable after the decease of Jane my said wife unto my said brother George Williams & the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten forever. Item I give & devise unto Thomas William after the decease of the said Jane my wife the said cottage wherein the said Thomas William liveth & two litle closes or pcells of landes thereunto adioyinge wth thappurtences called Tonn techy? unto the said Thomas William for & duringe the terme of his naturall life onely payinge therefore yearly unto my said brother George Williams one peny of current money yf it be lawfully demanded. And after his decease I give & devise the remaynder of the said cottage & two pcells of land called Tonn tochy? unto my said brother George Williams & to the heyres of his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten forever. Lastly I give & bequeath unto the said Jane my wife all my goodes cattle chattell corne and grayne whatsoever aswell in my house as in my barne unthreshed & all my corne growinge in fildes & all my houshould stuff & implements of howshould stuff whatsoever. And of this my last will & testament I doe nomynatt appoynt & ordayne the said Jane my lovinge wife to be sole executrix & I doe nominate & appoynt Francis Tyler & John Jones gent to be sup’visor of this my last will & Testament. In wittnes whereof I have to this my last will & testament sett my hand & seale the daye & yeare above written. John Wms

Signed sealed declared and deliv’ed in the p’sence of us the marke of Hen: Davies; Fran: Tyler; John Jones; David Jones his marke

Da: Gwyllym script testamenti

A true & pfect inventory of all the moveable & imoveable goodes cattell & corne & grayne of John Williams of the pish of Goytre in the County of Monmoth gent late deceased taken & praysed the fowerth daye of Aprill 1672 by David Gwyllym & Charles William Phillipp praysors as followeth


£            s            d

Inprimis the decedents wearinge appell valued at                                                01            3            4

Item two old feather beddes two feather bolsters two cov’lets fower payre

of sheets praysed to                                                                                                        02            10

Item two beddsteeds                                                                                                    00            06            00

Item two dust beddes wth? cov’lets wth 2 bolster & sheets there belonginge

valued at                                                                                                             00            12            00

Item twellve peeces of peuter & one doozen spoones                                           00            13            00

Item three brasse potts one iron pott                                                                        01            03            00

Item one old kettle & two brasse candlesticks                                                         00            08            8

One table boord & frame two formes & one chayre                                                00            06            00

Item one standing cobbord one brewing vessell & firkins & all other

woodden vessells            praysed at                                                                 00            06            00

Item in bacon vii fleetshes valued at                                                                           01            15            00

Item two bushells of munkorn & two bushells of oates in the house redy

threshed                                                                                                                00            05            6

Item barly unthreshed in the barne                                                                            00            10            00

Item two steeres & two kine & one heyfer praysed at                                              06            00            00

Item fower yearelinge calfes valued at                                                                                         01            00

Item sixe yearelinge weathers two ewes two lambes at theyre sides

& two goates valued at                                                                                       01            00            00

Item one sowe & eight piggs valued at                                                                       01

Item tenn kevers of wheate & munkorne growinge in the fildes in blades          02            10

It peas & oates newly sowed out eight kevers                                                            00            12            0


Suma tot                                                    22            01            00


Da: Gwyllym; Charles William Phe praysors


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