Jane Charles 1735

NLW Ref: LL/1735/38

Jane Charles Goytre

In the Name of God Amen; The twenty fourth day of February one thousand seven hundred and thirty two.

I Jane Charles of the pish of Goytre in the County of Monmouth &c wth in the Dioces of Llandaff, spinster, being sick in body but in sound and perfect memory, praise be therefore given to Almighty God; do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in mannor & form following yt is to say.

First & principally I commend my soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through ye meritts death and passion of my saviour Jesus Christ to have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins & to inheritt everlasting life, & my body I committ to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my executor and executrix herinafter named.

As touching the goods that God hath bestowed upon me I do dispose of in as followeth:

Imps: I give and bequeath unto my well beloved niece Mary Charles the wife – Jno. Morgan Harry of the parish of Goytre & William her younger son by the sd. Jno. Morgan Harry, the sum of eighteen pounds between them both to be equally divided after my decease, the wch. sum are in the hands of the persons hereafter mention’d, yt. it is to say ye. sum of six pounds in the hands of Francis Williams of ye. pish of Goytre; the sum of eight pounds in the hands of Anne Morgan of ye. pish of Lanover widdow, ye. sum of three pounds in the hands of Wm. Andrew of the pish of Goytre, the sum of one pound in the hands of James Rosser Jenkin in the said pish of Goytre;

Lastly I nominate, appoint and ordain my trusty well beloved niece Mary Charles ye. wife of Jno. Morgan Harry & William her youngest son by the said John Morgan Harry to be sole exector and executrix of this my last will and testament, Witness my hand and seal the day and year above written

Read, signed, sealed published and }   Jane X   Charles

Delivered in the presence of us       }           Testatrix

Wal Williams

Thomas Gwillim

GW Williams


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