Walnut Tree

Walnut Tree – 798 on the 1841 Tithe Map.

John Jenkins was born about 1738 near Penypyllennig, his father Thomas was renting Daniel Simond’s land, by 1794 John Jenkins was occupying the land of Henry Simon.

In 1805 John Jenkins owns 2 acres 9 rood and 6 perches and is also renting from Mr Phillips 1 acre and 11 roods.

John Jenkins died in 1813, he leaves a widow, Elizabeth who remained at Walnut Tree still renting Henry Simons’ property and land.

In May 1819, William, son of John and Elizabeth Jenkins, married Ann Jones, their first child William is baptised in 1821.

On the 1841 tithe and census the owner of Walnut Tree is John Williams of Caerphilly, the occupier is William Jenkins, he is farming 36 acres 1 rood and 30 perches, paying £3 19s 3d tithe to the Rector.

In the census of 1841 William is aged 55, Ann his wife is 45, their children are John and Thomas both 20, Philip 17, Elizabeth 12, Walter 7 and James 6. Living with them is Elizabeth Neate a farm servant.

I can’t say for certain who was living at Walnut Tree in 1851, but by 1861 it was Daniel Tedman, a farmer of 38 acres, employing 2 men. Daniel was aged 50, His daughter Elizabeth was 17,  born in Llanarth and son Edward was 16, a farm servant.

Later in 1861 Rees Rees had taken occupancy of Walnut Tree. An illegitimate child, Hezekiah, was born to his daughter Mary, the father of the child was William Hall. Another daughter Amy had an illegitimate child in 1867, the father of Amy’s child was James Waite who later married Louisa Davies, (The Heroine of Goytre Well.)

In 1871 the Rector, the Rev Thomas Evans purchased Walnut Tree, Rees Rees moves along the road to Black Beech to farm and Daniel Tedman moves back in to Walnut Tree.

The 1871 census says Daniel Tedman, is 60, and is a farmer, his wife Ann is 66, their daughter Elizabeth had married John Roberts and they were living with them along with their 6 month old daughter Sarah. Two more grandchildren are living with them, Rachel Rees 4 and Rachel Tedman 1.

At the trial of the Vicar and the Well in 1874 held at Monmouth Assizes, one of the witnesses, William Jenkins said his father was one time tenant of Walnut Tree and had left the premises in 1843, having lived there for 70 years. He stated he had known the place for 40 years. (William Jenkins was now living at Hay Meadow.)

Daniel Tedman remains at Walnut Tree and the 1881 census says he is 71 and was born in Llanarth, Ann his wife was born in Clytha.

I think shortly afterwards Daniel and his family had left as in 1882 Thomas Rees was constable for Walnut Tree. Thomas Rees and his family are still there in 1891, Thomas is aged 39, a farmer born in Llanellen, his wife Margaret is 40 from Monkswood, their children are Thomas 14, William 11, Margaret 9, Reginald 6, Laura 2 and Catherine 2 months. They have two farm servants living with them, John Compton 19, and Fanny Twyne from Blaenavon.

In 1901 Thomas Rees died aged 50 and was buried in St Peter’s Churchyard.

The 1911 census says the new family is one Thomas Jones aged 56, a farmer born in Cloddock, Ann, his wife is also 56, she was born in Crickhowell, they had been married 22 years and have 5 children, all alive, three of which are still living at home, Emily 28 assisting with dairywork, was born in Cloddock, Philip 24,is a farmer’s son working on the farm, and Katie 22, is doing domestic work, both were born in Glascoed. Ann’s father Henry Jones is also living with them; he is aged 78 and was born in Talgarth.

Henry died in 1915 was buried at St Peter’s. Thomas Jones died in June 1915 aged 64, daughter Katie died in November the same year aged 30, both were buried in St Peter’s Churchyard.

In November 1920 The Earl of Abergavenny held a sale of his Goytre properties, lots 30, 33 and 34 were Walnut Tree and Hawthorn Cottage.

In March 1925 Walter Jenkins aged 91 died, he was born at Walnut Tree on the 29th October 1833.

I have an article from the Free Press which is not dated (my fault) in which a cow valued at 70 guineas belonging to Mr W Jones of Walnut Tree Farm was hit by lightening, fortunately the cow was insured with Mr William Lewis of Wainfelin.

Ann Jones the wife of Thomas died in October 1936. (Full report in obituaries.) She was still living at Walnut Tree with her son Philip and his wife Amelia, who is still shown on the Electoral register on her own in 1946 and Philip Jones is shown on his own in 1948.