William Andrews 1789

NLW Ref: LL/1789/51

William Andrews

In the name of God Amen. I William Andrews of the parish of Goytrey in the County of Monmouth yeoman: being mindfull of my mortality, do, this twelfth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight: make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following.

First I give and devise unto my beloved wife Mary Andrews all and every my messuages, lands, tenements and hereditments with all their appurtenances whereof I am possessed; situate, lying and being in the parish of Goytrey or elsewhere in the County of Monmouth, to have and to hold all and every the said messuages, lands, tenements and hereditments with the appurtenances, to her the said Mary Andrews, her heirs and assigns for ever.

Also I give and bequeath unto Andrew William son to my kinswoman Cecilia, the wife of David William now of the town of Usk in the said County, blacksmith the sum of five pounds: to be paid to him the said Andrew William when he attains the age of twenty one years; by my testatrix hereinafter named or the executors or administrators.

And all the rest and residue of my personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature, kind or quality soever the same may be; after payment of my legacies and funeral expenses. I do give and bequeath unto my wife Mary Andrews, her executors, administrators and assigns to and for her and their own use and benefit absolutely.

And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said wife Mary Andrews sole executrix of this my last will and testament.

In witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seal the day and year first above written:

Signed, sealed, declared and published The mark X of

And for his last will and testament in William Andrews

The presence of us who subscribed our

Names as witnesses in the testators

Presence and at his request:

William Morgan of Mamhilad

Abraham Williams of Lanvihangel Pontymoile

John Rosser of Goytrey

28th April 1789

Mary Andrews the Relict and sole executrix in the will menconed was sworn to the truth thereof and to the faithful performance of the same and that the goods, chattles and credits of the decd to not amount in value to the sum of three hundred pounds

Before Me: Benj: Hall

This will was proved at Abergavenny on the twenty eighth day of April in the year on our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine, before the said Benj: Hall clk B.D. the chancellors surrogate by Mary Andrews widow the relict and sole executrix in the within will named, who was first on the holy evangelist personally sworn well and faithfully to execute the same to exhibit an inventory where thereto lawfully required


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