Maria Collins 1856

The last Will of Maria Collins. I Maria Collins spinster of Ty Port In the parish of Goitre & County of Monmouth do hereby make my last Will & Testament.

I appoint William Llewellin of Abercarn in the County of Monmouth to be the sole executor & trustee of this my last Will & I do hereby give to him the said William Llewellin in trust all my property whatsoever & wheresoever both real & personal directing him after the payment of my just debts & funeral expences & the charges of proving this my last Will to pay over the interest dividends & other profits arising out of or accruing from the capital sums or properties whether belonging or due to me for the use & benefit of my sister Charlotte Warne during the term of her natural life & after her decease I hereby give & bequeath all the capital sums & properties with any interest dividends or profits due at the time of her death unto my niece Georgina Eliza Warne absolutely.

In witness whereof I affix my signature in the presence of two disinterested persons this twenty seventh day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred & fifty two.

Signed Maria Collins.

We the undersigned have witnessed the execution of the foregoing writing by Maria Collins spinster of Ty Port all erasures & alterations having been previously made in our presence & without quitting her presence. We now subscribe the same in the presence of each other – names of attesting witnesses:

Augusta Hall; Mary Manuel; Elizabeth Griffiths

In the Prerogative Court of Canterbury

In the goods of Maria Collins spinster deceased

Appeared personally Elizabeth Griffiths wife of Thomas Griffiths of the parish of Llanover in the County of Monmouth farmer and made oath that she is one of the subscribed witnesses to the last Will and Testament of Maria Collins late of Ty Port in the parish of Goitre in the County of Monmouth spinster deceased bearing date the twenty seventh day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty two now hereunto annexed and referring to the said Will and also to the mark and signature of the testatrix at the foot or end thereof to wit “Maria Collins” she further made oath that on the twenty seventh day of January aforesaid the said testatrix duly executed? her said Will by making her said mark and by also at the same time signing her names “Maria Collins” thereto at the foot or end of the said Will in manner as now appears thereto? In the presence of this …? and of Lady Augusta Hall the wife of Sir Benjamin Hall of the parish of Llanover in the said County of Monmouth Baronet and of Mary Manuel the wife of Thomas Manuel of Tyr Preefy? In the said parish of Goitre labourer three of? the? subscribed witnesses …? Unto? All being then present at the same time and all of whom also at the same time attested and subscribed the said Will in the presence of the said testatrix and of each other. Elizabeth Griffiths – on the twenty first day of July one thousand eight hundred and fifty two the said Elizabeth Griffiths was duly sworn to the truth thereof by virtue of the annexed Commission. Before me Isaac Hughes, Commissioner

Proved at London 28th July 1852 before the Judge by the oath of William Llewellin the sole executor to whom Admon was granted having been first sworn by Comon duly to administer

James Prosser 1851

NLW Ref: LL/1851/82

James Prosser – Goytre

Hugh Williams, Clerk, Master of Arts, Vicar General and Official Principal of the Right Reverend Father in God Alfred by Divine Permission Lord Bishop of Llandaff lawfully constituted. To our beloved in Christ the Reverend Thomas Davies and Christopher Cook, Clerks respectively residing in the County of Monmouth and Diocese of Llandaff jointly and severally. Greeting. Whereas James Prosser late of the parish of Goitrey in the said County and Diocese farmer deceased did duly make and execute his last Will and Testament in writing hereunto annexed and therein named his brothers Thomas Prosser and Richard Prosser joint executors and afterwards died, we do therefore empower you to swear the said Thomas Prosser and Richard Prosser as well to the truth of the said Will as to the faithful performance thereof and to make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased and to render a just and true account thereof and to exhibit the same into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Llandaff. And we do further empower you to swear the said Thomas Prosser and Richard Prosser to the truth of the annexed affidavit and also to administer such other oaths and further to do as may be needful in the premises and that such oaths being administered you duly transmit to us our Surrogate or some other competent Judge in this behalf the said Will and all your proceedings thereon subscribed with the proper handwriting of you on or before the last day of July next ensuing together with these presents provided nevertheless that this Commission shall be void to all intents and purposes in the law whatsoever unless so transmitted before the said term given at Llandaff the eleventh day of June one thousand eight hundred and fifty one. Edward? Stephens?. D/Rg’r

The form of the oath to the said Richard Prosser laying his right hand on the Bible or New Testament “Your oath is that the above named James Prosser died on or about the tenth day of January one thousand eight hundred and fifty one and that the paper writing hereunto annexed contains his last Will and Testament as far as you know or believe that you and your brother Thomas Prosser are the joint executors therein named that you will well and faithfully execute the same by paying first his debts and then the legacies therein contained as far as his goods chattels and credits will thereto extend and the law charge you and that you will make a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the said goods chattels and credits and exhibit the same into the Registry of the Consistory Court of Llandaff at the time assigned you by the said Court and render a just and true account thereof when lawfully required that the estate and effects of the said deceased are under the value of one hundred pounds pounds [sic] and that the contents of the affidavit hereunto annexed to which you have subscribed your mark were and are true “So help you God”

Richard Prosser by X mark of the parish of Trevethin in the County of Monmouth

I the undersigned do hereby certify that the Commission was duly executed before me and that the above named Richard Prosser set and subscribed his mark to the foregoing oath and added thereto his place of residence and abode in my presence and that I administered the said oath to him the testamentary paper marked “No 1” to which I have set and subscribed my name being first hereunto annexed this fourteenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one. Thomas Davies MA, Incumbent of Trevethin parish,

Diocese of   Llandaff         In the Consistory Court.     In the Goods of   James Prosser           deceased,

Appeared Personally Richard Prosser   of Abersychan in the parish of Trevethin       in the said County of   Monmouth labourer one of the joint   Executors named in the last Will and Testament  of the said James Prosser late of the parish of Goitrey aforesaid farmer       deceased, who died on the   tenth day of   January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one     and made Oath that the Estate and Effects of the said deceased, for and in respect of which a Probate of the said Will is to be granted, exclusive of what the said deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a Trustee for any other Person or Persons, and not beneficially, and without deducting any thing on account of the Debts due and owing from the said deceased, are under the value of one hundred   Pounds, to the best of this       Deponent’s knowledge, information, and belief. And   he     lastly made Oath that the said deceased did not die possessed of any Leasehold Estate or Estates for years, either absolute or determinable, on a life or lives to the best of this Deponent’s knowledge, information and belief. Richard Prosser by X mark

Sworn on the   fourteenth     Day of     June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty one       before me Thomas Davies, MA, Incumbent of Trevethin parish, Commissioner.

Jane Jones 1853

NLW Ref: LL/1853/82

Jane Jones Goytrey 1853

In the name of God Amen. I Jane Jones of the parish of Goytrey in the County of Monmouth, widow, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say:

I give and devise all that my dwelling house, buildings, lands and premises called by the name of Pen Court Robin situate in the said parish of Goytrey unto my son Mordecai Jones, his heirs and assigns for ver.

I give and bequeath the sum of one hundred pounds unto my daughter Rachel Jones.

I give and bequeath the sum of five pounds unto Mary Jones the daughter of my son Thomas Jones

I give and bequeath the sum of thirty three pounds unto Mary Ann the eldest daughter of my daughter Mary, the wife of William James.

I give and bequeath the like sum of thirty three pounds unto Rachel James another daughter of the said Mary.

I give and bequeath thirty three pounds unto Gwellian James, another daughter of the said Mary Jones, all which said the three last mentioned legacies I direct to be paid to the said Mary Ann, Rachel and Gwellian as and when they shall respectively attain the age of one and twenty years, and I do direct the interest which will become due therever to be paid to each of them in the mean time.

I give and bequeath all my household furniture unto my said daughter Rachel.

I give and bequeath all the rest, residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects to what nature or kind soever subject and charged with the payment of my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and the charges providing this my will unto my said son Mordecai Jones.

I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my said son Mordecai Jones sole executor of this my last will and treatment and do hereby declare this to be my last will.

In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of March one thousand eight hundred and forty nine.

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said testatrix Jane Jones as and for her last will and testament in the presence of us, present at the time, who ate her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnessess thereto.

The mark and seal of Jane Jones

Jas Jones clerk to Gabb & Co.

Lewis Edmund – Llanover, tiler and plasterer

John Gwynne Herbert Owen 1859

Dec 9th

By will of this date John Gwynne Herbert Owen, then of Goytre Cottage in the County of Monmouth, Attorney at Law gave, devised and bequeathed:

All his personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever situate in manner thereinafter mentioned that was to say:

He gave, devised and bequeathed unto his little boy Johnney, then residing with him at Goytre and who is therein described as the son of Mrs Ann Kingston, certain hereditaments therin described as being in the several Counties of Monmouth and Brecon. To hold to him and his heirs forever.

The said testator also gave and bequeathed to the several parties therein certain pecuniary legacies. The said testator by his said will requested, devised and willed:

The Cottage at Goytre – should be kept in possession as a house for the children until little David attains the age of twenty one years. Mrs Anne Kingston to be allowed to remain with them and take charge of them so long as she chooses to act properly and kindly towards them.

And as to all the rest and residue and remainder of his (the said testator) real and personal estate:

Unto amongst and between little Johnny, David Robert, Sarah Anne Kingston and Clara Thackwell the first two being the children of Mrs Kingston, then residing with him (the said) testator and the latter the daughter of the late James Seabright Thackwell and Hannah his wife, their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to and for no other use intent or purpose whatsoever excepting that he gave to his old clerk Mr Harrison the sum of £50 in consideration of his long service with him and requested that he might be employed in getting in all debts due to him and that he might be allowed seven and a half percent on all debts gotton in by him over and above payment for his services during the time he was occupied.

The said testator also desired that Ann Kingston should be allowed to receive the interest of his (testators) property for the purpose of maintaining the children so long as she should live with them.

And with regard to the appointment of executors under that his will the children therin before named who should name who they please and the person appointed by them should have full power to carry out the trusts of his said Will. And they should also have the power to rescind such appointment after being made of such trustees and executor should not carry out the trusts of that his Will as aforesaid to their satisfaction and to appoint them on trust for his testators right heirs forever.

Testator also requested that the money arising from the policies on his life might be invested on real securities in the names of all the children last named and that the interest be appreciated to their maintenance. And that if Mrs Kingston should leave the children the testator gave unto her £10 a year free from the control of her husband.

Executed by the testator in the presence of two witnesses.

The said John Herbert Gwynn Owen died on the 14th April 1863, unmarried and intestate as to trust estates and William Herbert Owen (his eldest surviving brother) of Narberth in the County of Pembroke is his heir at law.

July 16th: Administrations with the before abstracted will annexed of the personal estate and effects of the said testator John Gwynn Herbert Owen described formerly of Goytre Cottage in the County of Monmouth but late of the town of Cardiff in the County of Glamorgan who died on the 14th April 1863 at Pontypool in the said County of Monmouth was granted to Andrew Hair the curator or guardian duly elected by Sarah Ann Kingston Owen, spinster in the will described as Sarah Ann Kingston, John Gwynn Herbert Owen in the said will, described as little Johnney, and David Gwynn Owen in the said will described as David Robert respectively minors, the children of Mrs Ann Kingston three of the residuary legatees named in the said will for their use and benefit and until one of them should attain the age of twenty one years he having been first sworn.

Clara Marchmand (wife of Arnold Marchmand, formerly Thackwell) spinster daughter of the late James Seabright Thackwell and Hannah his wife, the other legatee named in the will having disclaimed and renounced all her right and title to appoint an executor of said will and also renounced the letter of administration (with said will annexed) of the personal estate and effects of said deceased. The said minors being incapable of exercising the power of appointing executors reserved to them by said will the said Ann Kingston having first consented and her Majesty’s Proctor having declined to interfere on the part of the.

And the said testator thereby empowered his said trustees by sale or mortgage or other disposition of any portion of the same estates to raise so much money and or invest the same at interest in Government or real securities and apply the proceeds thereof towards the maintenance, education and advancement in the world not his said children during their respective minorities as to his said trustees should seem fit and most expedient.

And the said testator directed his said trustees in case of his said two sons or either of them their or either heirs, executors, administrators or assigns becoming entitled to his said estates by virtue of the trusts aforesaid to retain out of the same estates the sum of seven shillings weekly and pay the same to his said wife so long as she should continue his widow in case she should wish to live apart from his said sons or either of them but of only one should act testator gave said £5 to said one.

And the said testator appointed the said Thomas Leadbeater and Thomas Rogers executors of his said Will.

Executed by the said testator and attested by two witnesses:

The testator died 7th October 1859

Sworn under £200

The before abstracted will was proved in the Principal Registry of the Court of Probate 10th March 1860 by Thomas Rogers alone power being reserved to said Thomas Leadbeater.

Dec 9th By Will of this date John Gwynne Herbert Owen then of Goytre Cottage in the County of Monmouth Attorney at Law Gave devised and bequeathed all his personal estate whatsoever and wheresoever situate in manner thereinafter mentioned, that was to say:

He gave, devised and bequeathed unto his little boy Johnney then residing with him at Goytre and who is therein described as the son of Mrs Ann Kingston certain hereditaments therin described in the several counties of Monmouth and Brecon respectively.

John Rosser 1854

John Rosser –  Goytrey

This is the last will and testament of me, John Rosser of the parish of Goytre, in the county of Monmouth, miller, made this tenth day of August 1854.

I give, devise and bequeath unto my wife Ann Rosser all my real and personal estate of every description, to the intent that she may hold and enjoy the same respectively for and during the term of her natural life.

And I do hereby declare that my said wife shall keep the messuages in good and tenable repair and keep down the interest of all monies charged thereof, by way of mortgage and from immediately after the decease of my said wife, I give and dispose of my said real and personal estate in the manner following: That is to say;

I give and devise unto my daughter Elizabeth James, widow, my freehold house and premises at Trosnant near Pontypool in the county of Monmouth, now in the occupation of Thomas Gold. To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Elizabeth James, her heirs and assigns forever.

I give and devise unto my daughter Ann Phillips the dwellinghouse lately erected by the side of the road (Ty Ivor) between Abergavenny and Pontypool in the said parish of Goytre, with the strip of garden ground therewith being formerly part of a piece of land called Cae Coed, to hold the same unto and to the use of the said Ann Phillips her heirs and assigns forever, subject nevertheless to the payment of the sum of eighty pounds in part of a certain mortgage debt of eight hundred and eighty pounds now due and owing to Mr Woodhouse and from which sum of eighty pounds I exempt my personal estate and the remainder of my real estate.

I give and devise all the residue of my real estate (except a strip of land part of Cae Coed) which I am about to convey to my son in law John Phillips, unto the said John Phillips his executors and assigns for the term of five hundred years upon trust that he, the said John Phillips, his executors, administrators or assigns so shall and within twelve months after the decease of my said wife, by mortgage of the premises comprised in the said term of a competent part thereof for all or any part of the said term shall raise the full and clear sum of one hundred pounds and pay the same into the hands of my daughter Mary, now the wife of Edwin Cooper for her own absolute use and benefit, independent of her said husband. And I declare that the receipt of my said daughter alone notwithstanding her covertures shall be sufficient discharge of the same.

And I do hereby declare that when and as soon as the trusts herin before declared of the said term shall have been fully performed or satisfied or in case the sum to be raised by the means thereof shall be paid by the person or persons who shall be entitled to the hereditaments and premises therein comprised in remainder, expectant on the said term and costs, charges and expenses of the said John Phillips, his executors, administrators or assigns in or about the execution and performance of the trusts thereof shall have been fully paid and satisfied. Then and from thenceforth the said term of five hundred years or so much thereof shall remain undisposed of for the purpose aforesaid shall cease, determine or be utterly void to all intents and purposes whatsoever but without prejudice, nevertheless, to any mortgage or other disposition which shall or may have been previously made therof or any part therof, or of the premises therein composed for the same purpose and subject to the aforesaid trusts.

And I appoint my said wife and my two sons John and Aaron executrix and executors of this my will.

In witness thereof I have to this my last will and testament written on two sheets of paper, sett my hand and seal in maner and form following:

That is to say: My hand to the first sheet and my hand seal to the second and last sheet, therof the day and year first above written.

The mark and seal of John Rosser

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said testator as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the time, who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witness hereto.

Wm. Secretan

Jas. Woodhouse att at law Abergavenny

Hy. C. Griffin clk to M/s Gabb and Secretan

Woodhouse Solicitors Abergavenny

Maria Jones 1856

NLW Ref: LL/1856/103

Know all me by these presents that we Richard Jones  of the parish of Goitrey in the County of Monmouth labourer and James Jones of the Hamlet of Clytha in the parish of Lanarth in the said County farmer are held and firmly bound unto the Right Reverend Father in God Alfred by divine permission Lord Bishop of Llandaff in the sum of eighty       pounds of good and lawful money of Great Britain to be paid unto the said Lord Bishop or to his certain attorney his executors administrators or assigns to which payment well and truly to be made.

We oblige ourselves and each of us by himself for the whole our and each of our heirs executors and administrators firmly by these presents.

Sealed with our seals dated the twenty fifth   day of April in the nineteenth   year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lady Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland   Queen       Defender of the Faith &c and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty six

The Condition of this obligation is such that if the above bounden Richard Jones the widower       and administrator     of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of Maria Jones late of the said   parish of Goitrey       deceased do make or cause to be made a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased which have or shall come to the hands possession or knowledge of him   the said Richard Jones       or into the hands and possession of any other person or persons for him and the same so made do exhibit or cause to be exhibited in the Registry of the Consistory Court of Llandaff     on or before the last day of October         next ensuing and the same goods chattels and credits and all other the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased do well and faithfully administer according to law, that is to say, do pay the debts of the said deceased which she   did owe at her     death and so to be committed as far as         goods chattels and credits will thereto extend and the law charge     and further do make or cause to be made a true and just accompt of   his   said administration when   he     shall be thereunto lawfully required. And all the rest and reside of the said goods chattels and credits which shall be found remaining upon the said administrat accompt and not otherwise disposed of in the said Will the same being first examined and allowed of by the Judge or Judges of the said Court for the time being shall distribute and pay in such manner and form as shall be limited by the direction of the said Judge. And lastly do at all times hereafter clearly acquit discharge and save harmless the within named Lord Bishop the said Judge and all other officers of the said Court against all persons having or pretending to have any right title or interest in the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased then this obligation to be void or else to remain in full force and virtue.     Richard Jones; James Jones


Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of   J Morgan

Diocese of Llandaff       in the Consistory Court. In the Goods of Maria Jones the wife of Richard Jones     deceased


Appeared Personally   Richard Jones       of the parish of Goitrey   in the County of Monmouth labourer       the party applying for Letters of Administration     of the Estate and Effects of the said Maria Jones the wife of the said Richard Jones     late of the said parish of Goitrey         deceased, who died on the second day of September     of   in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty three         and made Oath that the Estate and Effects of the said deceased for and in respect of which said Letters of Administration with the said Will annexed are to be granted, exclusive of what the said deceased may have been possessed of or entitled to as a Trustee for any other Person or Persons, and not beneficially, and without deducting any thing on account of debts due and owing from the said deceased, are under the value of   forty       Pounds to the best of this Deponent’s knowledge, information and belief. And he   lastly made Oath that the said deceased did not die possessed of any leasehold Estate or Estates for years, either absolute or determinable, on a life or lives to the best of this deponent’s knowledge, information and belief.   Rich’d Jones


Sworn on the twenty fifth     day of April     in the year of our Lord one thousand   eight hundred and forty six       before me   Thos Williams MA, Surrogate


NOTE: I assume that the date of the swearing should be 1856 and not 1846. The ‘one thousand eight hundred and forty’ is printed. The ‘six’ hand written in. It looks as if they didn’t realise they were using an out dated form. DW


25th day of April 1856. Richard Jones the widower of Maria Jones deceased was sworn well and faithfully to administer and as usual, that the goods chattels and credits of the deceased are under the value of forty pounds, and that the intestate died on the 2nd day of September 1853. Before me Thos Williams, MA, Surrogate