Andrew Parry 1729

NLW Ref: LL/1729/113

Andrew Parry

In the name of God Amen this fourteenth day of February Anno Domini 1729.

I Andrew Parry of ye pish of Goytre in ye county of Monmouth and diocese of Landaff, being weak in body, but (thanks be to God) of perfect mind and memory and calling to mind of uncertain state of this transitory life, and yt all flesh must submit unto death whensoever it shall please God to call, I first then cimend my soul into ye hands of Almighty God hoping through ye merits of Jesus Christ to be absolutely pardon’d for all my sins, and to inherit ye kingdom of heaven, and my body I commit to ye earth to be buried in ye parish church of Goytre, and do order yt my executor hereafter named shall lay out five pounds for my funeral expenses.

And as such touching such goods and chattels which God hath been pleased to bestow upon me, I do order, give and dispose of ye same in manner and form following.

Imp. I give and bequeath to my niece Rachel Walters one brass kettle, already in her possession.

Item. I give and bequeath to my nephew Thomas Walters twenty pounds of currant English money to be paid within six months after my decease.

Item. I give and bequeath to my daughter Margaret William six pounds of ye like currant money to be also paid within six months after my decease, if she or if ye issue yt now she is big with shall then live.

Item. I give and bequeath to my niece Catherine Walters ye bed which I uses to lie on with all it’s appurtenances.

Item. I give bequeath and demise unto my nephew James Jones ye lease land in ye parish of Goytre, together with twenty shillings to be paid him likewise within six months after my decease.

The rest of my household stuff not mentioned I do order yt they be peaceably and equally divided between my two nephews William and Thomas Walters.

I do hereby nominate, make and appoint my nephew William Walters to be ye sole executor of this my last will and testament, revoking, disannulling and making void all other Wills and bequest by me made & declare this to be my last.

In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand and seal ye day and month first above written.

Signed, seal’d, declar’d and pronounc’d in ye presence of:


Andrew Parry


Jonathan Andrew

Walter Griffith

William Jenkins Cler’


Proved 21st October 1729


Andrew Parry

The true and perfect Inventory of all ye household goods and chattels and moveables of Andrew Parry of ye pish of Goytre in ye county of Monmouth and Diocese of Landaff, deceased, wch effects were appriz’d this Eleventh day of October anno Dom’ 1729 by us whose names are hereunto subscribed.


£ s d

Imp’s. We apprise his wearing apparel to 01 05 00

Im. Due to him by bonds 35 00 00

Im. Due to him by note of demand 03 00 00

Im. Desperate cloth 01 01 00

Im. One feather bed wth all its appurt’s 02 00 00

Im. Pewter and brass valu’d at 01 15 00

Im. Iron pots valu’d at 00 03 04


Tot 44 04 04


Exhibited at Abergavenny 21st October 1729


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